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Wednesday 17 November 2010

Location, Location, Location...

For my video I want to film in quite dark and dreary.  I want to film some of it in a bus stop so I think one of the best ones to use would be in Tombland, Norwich as there are lots of big trees hanging over it making it slightly darker and more depressing.
Another place I want featured in my video is a restaurant/cafe I want it so the girl is walking along the street and then sees them; so one place I could use is somewhere on St. Benedicts street, maybe the Pizza Express as it is quite a busy street and the restaurant has a big window that I could film through.
I also want to film things during the day, to show the different times of year, maybe using the rain and sun together with the way the character is dressed to show how time has gone by. For places to film during the day I have been thinking about different parks and the beach.

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