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Monday, 13 September 2010

Research and planning

How did your research into genre contribute to your production work?
Well, I specifically looked at both music magazines that were aimed at youg people like Keranng and NME as well as ones that focused on rock music like Keranng. I think this can be seen in my completed project by the style is used and the way it was written

How did your research into audience contribute to your production work?
Well I did my audience research with the 16-25 market specifically in mind as well as those that already loved music; so I went to a gig and asked the people in the queue what they liked and disliked about the music magazines they read.

How did your research into institutions responsible for the production and regulation of the media influence your production work?
I researched into corperations such as IPC that produce NME and Bauer industries that releases Keranng magazine. From this I was able to see what types of magazines they specialised in and how they used one magazine to promoote another, and if they had branched out onto other media platforms and how they used that to their advantage.

What pre-production planning techniques did you employ (scripting, storyboarding, shot-lists etc.)? How effective was your planning – how did it help you in the production phase?

What did you learn from planning your first production that helped you to improve your planning for the second?
For my second production I stuck to a more suitable timeline and did things in a more sensible order.

How did you use audience feedback to influence your production work while it was in progress?

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